Rules for Authors

Main rules for Authors.

The publishing in the Journal of Mekhanika Kompozitsionnykh Materialov I Konstruktsii (hereinafter the “Journal”) is free of charge.

The Journal is dedicated to the publication of original full-length papers, review articles and short communications of the highest quality that advance the theoretical background and application of composite materials. The languages of the Journal are Russian and English. Contributions from all parts of the world are encouraged.

Only papers not previously published will be accepted and authors must agree not to publish elsewhere a paper submitted to, and accepted by, the Journal.

All manuscripts published in the Journal “Mekhanika Kompozitsionnykh Materialov I Konstruktsii” (hereinafter the “Journal”) required to undergo single-blind peer review. The Editorial Board makes the final decision for each submitted manuscript on the background of peer reviewing results.

Authors are solely responsible for the factual accuracy of their papers. Authors are obliged to eliminate all mistakes and misprints found by referees and to answer all reviewers’ comments and remarks. The answers should be sent to the Journal.

A request for the revision of the manuscript does not mean it mandatory publication after processing. The answer to the review and the revised version of the manuscript are directed to the referee for the final conclusion.

Preparation of manuscripts:

Authors should examine previous issues of the Journal as a guide to the preparation of papers. Authors should submit (please mail to only or send hard copies to Professor Andrew A. Movchan, Institute of Applied Mechanics of Russian Academy of Sciences, 7/1 Leningradsky prospect, Moscow 125040 Russia):

  1. A manuscript file (please use .doc or .docx file formats only);
  2. A cover letter;
  3. A Copyright Transfer Agreements in duplicate;
  4. A declaration of the original nature of the manuscript (a loan check should be performed with a use of one of the specialized sites: ; /;

The arrangement of papers:

In general papers’ length cannot exceed 20 A4 pages including figures, tables, and reference list. Papers of a length exceeding 20 A4 pages (manuscript and figures) will not be acceptable unless a prior arrangement has been made with the Editor. Authors are responsible for clear and concise language, Russian or English. The manuscript must be signed by all author(s).

The submission should contain:

  • Paper title
  • authors’ names
  • authors’ affiliations (italic), full postal and e-mail addresses.
  • A self-contained abstract outlining in a single paragraph the aims, scope, and conclusions of the paper.
  • List of six to ten keywords
  • The text, suitably divided under headings (these can be numbered).
  • Acknowledgments (if any).
  • Reference list.
  • Appendix (if any).
  • Tables (each to be on a separate sheet, numbered consecutively).
  • Legends to illustrations.
  • Illustrations, each on a separate sheet containing no text, and clearly labeled with author’s name and illustration number. Original black and white photographs, preferably glossy prints, are acceptable; photocopies of photographs are not.
  • Degree, position, postal address, and email for each author.

Please contact the editorial office for details.

The Abstract must contain at least 200-250 words and should clearly reflect the problem statement, the used methods and approaches, and the most significant results. The papers written in Russian must be accompanied by both English and Russian abstracts that must be identical.

The survey paragraph of the paper is strictly required to define clearly the novelty and originality of results presented in the submitted manuscript as compared with other analogous works. The survey should be accompanied by the corresponding Reference list. Citing and referencing only (or mainly) author’s own publications in presence of known papers of other authors is strictly undesirable and leads to rejection or at least to the requirement of serious revising of the manuscript. As well the reviewer as the Editorial Board is allowed to recommend authors to extend the survey paragraph and the corresponding reference list by the inclusion of domestic and foreign publications containing key results in the corresponding area of interest.

Manuscript formatting:

WORD processor

Each manuscript must be single-spaced (left margin – 4 cm, top – 3 cm, right, and bottom – both 2 cm), on one side of white paper, preferably standard A4 size. If appropriate, give a shortened title for the paper not exceeding 40 characters for use in the running headings.

The text of the Manuscript must be written using the Times New Roman font:

  • title of the manuscript: 13 pt. bold, capital letters, centered
  • authors: 12 pt. normal, centered, no indent
  • affiliations: 12 pt. italic, centered, no indent
  • section titles: 12 pt. bold, capital letters, centered, left numbered (Arabic numerals) (e. g. 1. INTRODUCTION)
  • subsection titles: 12 pt. bold, centered, left numbered (Arabic numerals) incl. section numbers (e. g. 2.1. Problem statement…)
  • regular text: 12 pt. normal, justified, single-spaced, 1cm left paragraph indent
  • tables and figures captions: 12 pt. normal, centered

No automatic or manual hyphenation is allowed.

The paper title is followed by one empty line, then the authors are placed alphabetically followed by the affiliations after one empty line. An abstract should be separated from the affiliations by two empty lines and followed by Keywords separated by one empty line. The text of the paper should be separated below the keywords after two empty lines. Sections are separated by two empty lines while subsection is separated by one empty line.

Figures are allowed only in black and white. Line thickness should be at least 0.75 pt. All figures should be included in the text of the manuscript and centered. The figure must be followed by the centered figure caption. As well figures as their captions must not be overloaded by text, all necessary explanations should be in the text of the paper. One empty line should follow the figure caption. For the photographs, the high resolution must be used.

Formulae (as well inline as spaced) should be written using the MathType. Only the formulae referenced in the text should be right numbered by the bracketed Arabic numbers. For each multiline formulae, its number should be placed facing the mid-line of the group. No empty lines between formulae and test should be placed. The left margin for the formulae is 2.0 cm.

Tables should be in the text of the paper. Each table is preceded by the right-adjusted line “Table 1”, “Table 2”, etc. The caption line should be centered and placed on the next line before the table text.

References in order of mention of cited sources must be placed after the paper’s text. The references should be square-bracketed”: [1], [1,2] или [3-5,6]. A reference list should be separated from the paper text by two empty lines. See the reference list example below.

The papers in Russian should be included in the Reference list following the Roman transliteration rule:

  1. Authors’ transliteration;
  2. Title’s transliteration;
  3. Square-bracketed title’s translation into English;
  4. Journal, proceedings, conference, or Publisher’s transliteration;
  5. Year (XXXX), volume (Vol. XX), issue (Iss. XX), number (No. XX), pages (Pp. XX) or a number of pages for monographs (p. XXX).

The transliteration can be performed using the ALA-LC standard and can be automated on the basis of the system with the option LC.


  1. Pirondi A., Moroni F. An investigation of fatigue failure prediction of adhesively bonded metal/metaljoints. J. of Adhesion & Adhesives, 2009, Vol.29, Pp.796-805.
  2. Liu Y., Xie Z., Van Humbeeck J., Delaey L. Some result of the detwinning process in TiNi shape memory alloys. Scripta Materialia, 1999, Vol.41, No.12, Pp.1273-1281.
  3. Movchan A.A.Kazarina S.A. Shape memory materials as an object of solid state mechanics: experimental study, constitutive relations, solution of boundary value problemsPhysical mesomechanics, 2012, Vol.15, No.3-4, Pp.214-223.
  4. Gorshkov А.G., Аmar Аbdul Karim Salman, Tarlakovskij D.V., Fedotenkov G.V. Udar deformiruemym tsilindricheskim telom po uprugomu poluprostranstvu [Beat the deformable cylindrical body on elastic half-space]. Izvestiya Rossijskoj akademii nauk, Mekhanika tverdogo tela, 2004, No.3, Pp.82-96. (переводная версия журнала существует, но информация о переводе статьи отсутствует)
  5. Pleskachevskij YU.M., Starovojtov EH.I., Leonenko D.V., Panin S.V.Termoplasticheskij izgib krugovykh kompozitnykh plastin na osnovanii Vinklera [Thermoplastic bending of circular composite plates based on Winkler]. Mekhanika kompozitsionnykh materialov i konstruktsii, 2011, Vol.17, No.2, Pp.209-219.
  6. Bolotin V.V., Novichkov Iu.N. Mekhanika mnogoslojnykh konstruktsij [Mechanics of laminated constructions]. Moskva, Mashinostroenie, 1980, 375 p.
  7. Volkov-Bogorodskij D.B. Primenenie analiticheskikh raschetov na osnove metoda blokov v svyaznykh zadachakh mekhaniki sploshnykh sred [The use of analytical calculations based on the method of connected blocks in the problems of continuum mechanics]. Vserossijskaya nauchno-prakticheskaya konferentsiya “Inzhenernye sistemy-2008”, Sbornik trudov, Moskva, Rossijskij universitet druzhby narodov, 2008, Pp.123-138.